If you’ve played Tunic, you’ll know that it can be hard to crystallize the experience and explain it to those who haven’t. Also, GO PLAY TUNIC NOW. Stop reading this, and go play it. I want to talk a little about my experience with the game and its pacing, but doing so involves major spoilers, so beware! Most of Tunic’s “unlocks” are actually the acquisition of knowledge through solving puzzles, so I’m serious about this one. Tunic’s pacing is dramatically affected by its manual, containing a cryptic language and countless hidden secrets. The game’s mediocre combat is interspersed with fantastic Read More
It’s no secret that game journalists have always held a controversial place in the gaming community, from IGN’s famous “too much water” controversy to the colloquial dubbing of easy difficulty settings “game journalist difficulty.” Ethics in journalism at large is also a hotly contested issue, with neutrality clashing with morality more often than not when covering sensitive topics. IGN, one of the most famous and most controversial gaming news outlets, recently found themselves in hot water when one of their editors, Filip Miucin, was revealed to have plagiarized the YouTube Channel Boomstick Gaming’s review of Dead Cells, along with his Read More